Bonecrusher's Blog of Hate

Name's Bonecrusher. If you're reading this, I hate you. If you're not reading this, I hate you. Actually, I just hate you period. In fact, I hate everything. This blog examines the subtleties and complexities about this mindset, which flashbags like yourselves can only hope to ever achieve. Good luck with that.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Email and Comments and Such

I think this weekend was successful, campaign wise. I leveled three towns who said they wouldn't vote for me. Few appeared to see my campaign ad, and for that, I am grateful. That thing was horrid. Despite the unconventionality of the stance, I have decided that I shall have no more Tv appearances. Unless it's really good.

Now, for Emails.

Hey there, Bonecrusher.

After reading the last batch of e-mails you posted, I decided to go
back and re-read your post about your conversation with Starscream. I
read it until I got to the part where Starscream said he wanted you to
get rid of his fangirls. Starscream said that you like doing that
sort of thing. Not hate. LIKE. Am I correct in thinking that I
finally found something you like?


No. Starscream is an idiot. You'll find that is a useful answer to many of life's tough questions.

As for your campaign, don't you think you need some sort of marketing type tools? I'll explain to you what I mean by marketing tools, considering you may not know due to your limited brain capacity. These things would include YouTube videos with half dressed human females shouting your name, cardboard signs with your name and finally stickers that can be placed on your rear bumper (do you even have one of those?) Then you will want to walk around amongst the humans and distribute these items - gently.

What a sissy way to run a campaign. I believe in getting people to vote for me by brute force. It worked for Megatron. Well... almost...

Caro Bonecrusher,

Ho pensato che fosse divertente trasmettergli un messaggio in un'altra lingua (perché è accaduto prima). Così ho deciso trasmettergli questo. Ho calcolato che sarebbe lo scherzo migliore nella storia di storia perché sto trasmettendogli qualcosa DOVRTE essere al corrente di, ma non posso non avere significato da qualunqui cose! So che invierete questo e finalmente trovate un certo senso di decifrarlo. Fino ad allora, riderò la mia testa fuori. Bene, qui è:

Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Fra due astronavi avversarie scoppia una battaglia per chi dovra' dominare tutta la galassia. E mentre infuria lo scontro atterrano in un mondo Di quattromila anni fa.
Ci sono mostri preistorici Su quel pianeta. Nessuna traccia di uomini, Ma che disdetta. Le due astronavi atterrate sono danneggiate percio' i Biocombat restano la'.
Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Mille ruggiti Inferociti nell'oscurita'.
Paesaggi adatti ai piu' coraggiosi E ai piu' avventurosi, traboccanti di difficolta'.
Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Nessuno dei contendenti Sa dove si trova. Entrambi gli schieramenti Son messi a dura prova.
Le due astronavi atterrate sono danneggiate, percio' i Biocombat restano la'.
Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Mille ruggiti Inferociti nell'oscurita'.
Paesaggi adatti ai piu' coraggiosi. E ai piu' avventurosi, traboccanti di difficolta'.
Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Son grandi i Maximal. COMBAT!

Son forti i Predacon. COMBAT!

Chissa chi vincera'? COMBAT!

E chi riuscira' a riparare La sua astronave!

Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!
Mille ruggiti Inferociti nell'oscurita'.
Paesaggi adatti ai piu' coraggiosi E ai piu' avventurosi, traboccanti di difficolta'.
Rombi di Tuono E Cieli di fuoco Per i Biocombat!

Ciò è MAI probabilmente il prank più grande.

Con avversione da Kremzeek!

I hate you.

You hate everything right? What are your views on the 'internet hate machine'? These "super hackers on steroids" hate alot of things too. Currently they are focusing on The Church of Scientology.

I would think you would make natural allies.


Hey Bonecrusher, why are you using Gmail? Don't you have some kind of super advanced programming that hooks you into the internet? Can't you just recieve messeges?

Also, do you hate Corey Feldman as much as I do?

Because otherwise your primitive idiot systems wouldn't be able to reach me, and send me wonderful spam in foreign languages.

And I'll assume yes.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to even TRY to translate that?

- Inferno's Queen

Anonymous said...

It's italian... poorly translated Italian. You could try running it through altavista but it's not even worth it, it makes no sense.

I need some advice. The people that live above me are really noisy, they slam doors, have lots of friends over really late at night, and blare music. How would you reccomend solving this problem?