Bonecrusher's Blog of Hate

Name's Bonecrusher. If you're reading this, I hate you. If you're not reading this, I hate you. Actually, I just hate you period. In fact, I hate everything. This blog examines the subtleties and complexities about this mindset, which flashbags like yourselves can only hope to ever achieve. Good luck with that.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

And One More Thing

Despite the vast memory banks installed in every Cybertronian it is impossible for me to consider every single thing in all the Universe, or even this tiny wretched dust ball. So, suggest objects for me to vent my hatred on, and continue to do so. Everything in the Universe deserves to be hated, so give me something and I'll tell you why.


Spekkio said...

Bonecrusher, I am a big fan of you and your work. I truly appreciate chaos and destruction.

However (and I know you'll hate this) but you should work on your spelling and grammar. I realize that human languages like English are horrifically primitive and inefficient, but communicating your message of hatred to as many humans as possible will be easier if you watch spelling/grammar. For example, to/too/two, etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh BC, you old stick in the mud...why you gotta be so harsh? What do you think of flowers? Please explain to me how you could possibly hate flowers.

Soundwave said...
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Bonecrusher said...

However (and I know you'll hate this) but you should work on your spelling and grammar. I realize that human languages like English are horrifically primitive and inefficient, but communicating your message of hatred to as many humans as possible will be easier if you watch spelling/grammar. For example, to/too/two, etc.

Oh, the great human spends minutes of his day noting that I have not bothered to master your idiotic collection of syllables that you call a 'language'. Well listen Fleshling, you're lucky I care enough too try and fix your miserable understanding of Hatred. See what I did there? I did that on purpose. 'Cause I hate you.

What do you think of flowers? Please explain to me how you could possibly hate flowers.

Pfft. That's an easy one. Does the word 'seasonal allergies' mean anything to you, squishy? Yes, Robots get allergies. DO NOT QUESTION ME!

And I Hate you to.